Celestia Ohrazda — 鶹Ʒ Mon, 10 Jun 2024 15:09:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 Second Edition of Disability Law and Policy Released for the Upcoming 34th Anniversary of the Americans With Disabilities Act /blog/2024/06/10/second-edition-of-disability-law-and-policy-released-for-the-upcoming-34th-anniversary-of-the-americans-with-disabilities-act/ Mon, 10 Jun 2024 15:09:57 +0000 /?p=200650 Burton Blatt Institute Chairman and University Professor Peter Blanck’s 2nd edition of “Disability Law and Policy” was released in honor of the 34th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). “Disability Law and Policy provides an overview of the themes and insights in disability law. It is a compelling compendium of stories about how our legal system has responded to the needs of impacted individuals.

Cover of "Disability Law and Policy" section edition book by Peter BlanckThe year 2025 marks the 35th anniversary of the ADA, celebrated on July 26. During the past three decades, disability law and policy have evolved dramatically in the United States and internationally. “Walls of inaccessibility, exclusion, segregation and discrimination have been torn down, often brick by brick. But the work continues, many times led by advocates who have never known a world without the ADA and are now building on the efforts of those who came before them,” says Blanck, who is also a professor in the College of Law.

Lex Frieden, an internationally distinguished disability rights scholar and advocate and former Chairperson of the U.S. National Council on Disability, writes in the Foreword to Blanck’s book: “In 1967, I survived a head-on car crash. When I woke up, I was paralyzed from the shoulders down. . . . My story is one of many in the modern disability rights movement. In ‘Disability Law and Policy,’ Peter Blanck retells my story, and the personal experiences of many others living with disabilities, in a master tour of the area. Peter is a world-renowned teacher, researcher, lawyer, and advocate. He has been central to the modern sea change in disability civil rights . . . ‘Disability Law and Policy’ should be read by all of us—people with the lived experience of disability and their advocates, parents, family members and friends.”

Blanck says that “a new generation of people with disabilities, building on the efforts of Lex Frieden and many others, families, friends, advocates,and supporters, is stepping forward. As a guiding beacon, disability law and policy offer hope of a future in which all people, regardless of individual difference, will be welcomed as full and equal members of society.”

“Disability Law and Policy” is published by Foundation Press and is available from .

BBI Senior Advisor Michael Morris Selected as the Recipient of the 2023 NARRTC Distinguished Service Award /blog/2023/05/04/bbi-senior-advisor-michael-morris-selected-as-the-recipient-of-the-2023-narrtc-distinguished-service-award/ Thu, 04 May 2023 23:16:39 +0000 /?p=187970 three people standing against a wall, person in the middle holding an award

From left, Barry Whaley, Michael Morris and Nanette Goodman at the annual conference of NARRTC on April 23

NARRTC, formerly known as the National Association of Rehabilitation Research and Training Centers, selected , senior advisor to the Burton Blatt Institute, as the recipient of the 2023 NARRTC Distinguished Service Award. The Distinguished Service Award is given to individuals who have made significant contributions to the field of disability through research, teaching, service or advocacy. It is the highest recognition conferred by NARRTC.

Morris received the award at the NARRTC annual conference April 23 in recognition of more than 30 years of efforts to “promote equality of opportunity and economic self-sufficiency for all people with disabilities through research, advocacy, technical assistance, and program development.”

Through his work at the  and the , he has expanded knowledge and understanding of the financial status and economic challenges encountered by working age adults with disabilities and led the translation of research findings to policy changes such as the ().

A recipient of numerous grants over many years from the National Institute of Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research, he is the author of multiple publications about rethinking public policies to support income production, savings and asset accumulation for people with disabilities. He is currently a member of the research team for the NIDILRR funded .

“I am honored to be this year’s NARRTC Distinguished Service Award winner and be added to a list of amazing leaders who have been past award winners who have made such important contributions to change what we know about and possibilities for more inclusive, independent and productive lives for people with disabilities,” Morris says.

BBI Chairman Peter Blanck Guest Edits Journal of Disability Policy Studies /blog/2021/06/28/bbi-chairman-peter-blanck-guest-edits-journal-of-disability-policy-studies/ Mon, 28 Jun 2021 19:43:15 +0000 /?p=166664 Peter Blanck

Peter Blanck

Supported decision-making (SDM) is a paradigm in which people use friends, family and professionals to help them address the situations and choices they encounter in everyday life. To examine emergent issues in SDM in research, law, and policy, the (JDPS) is presenting a special issue of articles guest edited by , University Professor  and chairman of the Burton Blatt Institute.

The examines SDM from American and comparative law, research and policy perspectives, as recognized in Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and from the perspective of the lived experience. SDM is used to empower individuals to make their own decisions to the maximum extent possible to increase self-determination. It is an alternative to restrictive guardianship or substitute decision-making regimes to which persons with cognitive and mental health disabilities historically have been relegated.

BBI Chairman Peter Blanck Guest Edits Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation Special Issue for 30th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act /blog/2020/11/10/bbi-chairman-peter-blanck-guest-edits-journal-of-occupational-rehabilitation-special-issue-for-30th-anniversary-of-the-americans-with-disabilities-act/ Tue, 10 Nov 2020 21:05:55 +0000 /?p=159985 headshot of Peter Blanck

Peter Blanck

The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 was ambitious federal legislation designed to promote employment inclusion, along with increased civic and social opportunity in other areas of daily life, by reducing attitudinal and structural barriers for people with disabilities. At the heart of this drive for inclusion was the ADA’s workplace accommodation principle. Today, the accommodation principle means using remote work options, as well as flexible hours and individualized reasonable adjustments to tasks and technologies, to enable full and equal economic participation across the spectrum of disabilities.

To commemorate the 30th anniversary of the ADA, the (JOOR) is proud to present a special section of articles guest edited by Peter Blanck, University Professor in the College of Law and chairman of the . On Sept. 1, Blanck became principal investigator of the new Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Disability Inclusive Employment Policy, funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR). NIDILRR is a center within the Administration for Community Living in the Department of Health and Human Services.

The special JOOR series provides historical and contemporary perspectives on emergent issues involving people with disabilities who have the capacity and interest to work. Unfortunately, many are still unable to participate in the economic mainstream even with the availability of workplace accommodations such as remote work and individualized adjustments.

The articles highlight emerging research, policy and law on the future of employment and the accommodation principle for people with disabilities, envisioning a potential future of full disability-inclusive employment.

To read the articles in full, visit the following links:

Southeast ADA Center Announces First Broadcast of WADA “ADA Live!” /blog/2013/09/18/southeast-ada-center-announces-first-broadcast-of-wada-ada-live-64880/ Wed, 18 Sep 2013 18:56:39 +0000 /?p=57331 wada_600On Oct. 2, the Southeast ADA Center, a project of the will launch “ADA Live!” on WADA, the center’s Internet-based radio station. For the past 22 years, the , a member of the , has provided free, confidential and accurate information, training and technical assistance on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to individuals who have rights under the ADA, as well as to those who have responsibilities under the act.

WADA ADA Live!” will broadcast live on the first Wednesday of each month from 1-1:30 p.m. ET/noon-12:30 p.m. CT.  “ADA Live!” programs provide up-to-date information on the ADA and allow anyone to call in with their ADA questions. “ADA Live!” will also expand the center’s outreach to youth, young adults and members of racially/culturally diverse communities throughout the Southeast region.

WADA “ADA Live!” is supported through a fully accessible and interactive website at .  The public can get up-to-the minute program information, submit questions for upcoming “ADA Live!” episodes and participate in the online group discussions. Real-time captioning will be available during the live shows. Recordings of past episodes, including a transcript, resources and more information will be available at .

CHAT Program of Burton Blatt Institute Launches Camp for Children /blog/2013/08/08/chat-program-of-burton-blatt-institute-launches-camp-for-children-60017/ Thu, 08 Aug 2013 15:38:33 +0000 /?p=55452 BBIchat

CHAT Camp is a unique five-day experience for children locally who use assistive/augmentative communication (AAC) devices to communicate. This event will bring together agencies, speakers and professionals from the world of special needs to focus on communication in a whole new way.

Barb and Greg Tresness of Central New York founded CHAT (Communication Hope through Assistive Technology) in March of 2013. Their son Graham was born with cerebral palsy and uses eye gaze technology to communicate. He is the inspiration behind this program. The Tresnesses worked for more than a decade to find a way for their son to communicate, and they tirelessly advocate for him and other children with disabilities.

The pilot is running Aug. 5-9, and will include Syracuse University Sports Day, where campers will interview current SU Football players; Music Day, complete with instruments and an interactive jam session; and a trip to YNN Studios, where campers will create their own newscast complete with a news segment, weather report, sports report and interviews.

The week will culminate with the CHAT Camp Celebration, where campers, family, friends and the public are invited to view the world premiere of the groundbreaking film “redefining one word: communication.” Lunch will be included, as well as keynote speakers and a vendor fair.

“This experience has been truly enriching. The creativity these kids show is remarkable. It’s clear to me that CHAT can help so many children across the globe realize their wide-ranging potential,” says Jason Benetti, play-by-play announcer for ESPN Regional TV, Time Warner Cable SportsChannel and the Syracuse Chiefs. Benetti will capture CHAT Camp experiences from all participants via interviews and be the host of ceremonies at the CHAT Camp Celebration on Friday.

View the event streaming live at Drumlins Country Club Friday, Aug. 9, from 11 a.m.-1 p.m. at http://bbi.syr.edu/news_events/CHAT_webcast.html.

More information about CHAT can be found at .

