Orange Friends! There’s a lot going on around campus – new buildings being built, research being researched, progress progressing, updates being updated…well, you get the point. On top of that, there’s a lot going on in the US and around the world that makes us wonder how it’ll impact our time at Syracuse.
So, let’s talk/communicate however we are able and comfortable. Here’s an opportunity to do that with the Chancellor!
Who: Chancellor Syverud
What: Chatting with students and answering questions about what’s to come for Syracuse
Where: Neporent Café on the main level of Dineen Hall AKA College of Law building (in-between Sadler and BBB)
When: Monday, Dec. 10, from 3-4 p.m.
Need a refresher on some of the updates on campus? Here are the spark notes:
- Buildings being built
At every turn, a new crane has popped up. Some of the projects that are happening are the Bill and Penny Allyn Innovation Center, the Barnes Center at The Arch and the . Our guy Pete Sala always gives us the construction updates, so you know that you can check out more updates on the .
- Research being researched
More new things! Not sure if you noticed, but a Center for Undergraduate Research was just established. Also, the University is hiring a bunch of faculty.
- Progress Progressing
There’s a lot happening to make everyone be and feel welcome and included on this campus. And there’s a lot more to be done!
- Updates being updated
With the constant updates on all the things happening on campus, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure what to keep track of. A few updates we have started to get information on are planned renovations of Schine Student Center and the Dome.
Long story, short: A lot is happening and if you have questions or ideas…grab some coffee (or tea or something else) with the Chancellor on Dec. 10.