Coffee with the Chancellor

Orange Friends! There’s a lot going on around campus – new buildings being built, research being researched, progress progressing, updates being updated…well, you get the point. On top of that, there’s a lot going on in the US and around the world that makes us wonder how it’ll impact our time at Syracuse.

So, let’s talk/communicate however we are able and comfortable. Here’s an opportunity to do that with the Chancellor!

Who: Chancellor Syverud

What: Chatting with students and answering questions about what’s to come for Syracuse

Where: Neporent Café on the main level of Dineen Hall AKA College of Law building (in-between Sadler and BBB)

When: Monday, Dec. 10, from 3-4 p.m.

Need a refresher on some of the updates on campus? Here are the spark notes:

  1. Buildings being built

At every turn, a new crane has popped up. Some of the projects that are happening are the Bill and Penny Allyn Innovation Center, the Barnes Center at The Arch and the . Our guy Pete Sala always gives us the construction updates, so you know that you can check out more updates on the .

  1. Research being researched

More new things! Not sure if you noticed, but a Center for Undergraduate Research was just established. Also, the University is hiring a bunch of faculty.

  1. Progress Progressing

There’s a lot happening to make everyone be and feel welcome and included on this campus. And there’s a lot more to be done!

  1. Updates being updated

With the constant updates on all the things happening on campus, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure what to keep track of. A few updates we have started to get information on are planned renovations of Schine Student Center and the Dome.

Long story, short: A lot is happening and if you have questions or ideas…grab some coffee (or tea or something else) with the Chancellor on Dec. 10.